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Image by Aung Soe Min

This summer, our Habitat affiliate is hosting a read-a-thon for everyone in the Hampden County footprint, from kids to the elderly. Our hope is to emphasize the importance of reading, while bringing awareness to our mission to provide stability through homeownership and home preservation. 

Prizes will be awarded and a celebration will be held to honor all participants. Join us!

One for the books logo.png
One for the books poster 8.5x11.png
One for the books flyer 8.5x11 en Espanol.jpg
Read-a-thon infographic en Espanol-1.jpg
Read-a-thon infographics2.png
Read-a-thon infographic en Espanol-2.jpg
Pledge form.png
Readling log.png
Readling log en Espanol-2.png
Readling log en Espanol-3.png
Readling log en Espanol-1.png

Spread the word. Download and print flyers made by our interns, Nate and Dakota.

2024.04.02 Read-a-thon flyer-2 Nate.png
2024.04.09 Read-a-thon flyer - NATE.png
2024.04.02 Read-a-thon flyer-Dakota.png
2024.04.09 read-a-thon flyer - DAKOTA.png

By Dakota.

By Nate.

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