Our volunteers provide expertise, leadership, labor, and support at our construction sites, office, and events. When you volunteer with Greater Springfield Habitat for Humanity (GSHFH), you support a critical mission while building skills, relationships, and communities. GSHFH can't do it without YOU!
Not all volunteers wear hard hats and pound nails or use a paintbrush. Some answer phones and file papers in our office. Others register guests or run a booth at events. All volunteers, regardless of skill level, are appreciated and necessary to getting the job done.
We value your time and contribution spent in supporting our mission.
Volunteers who work on a construction site must be at least 16 years old. Volunteers who are 16 and 17 years old must be accompanied by a responsible adult who is at least 25 years old.
1. Visit events.civicchamps.com/organizations/3034/calendar/month and click "Create an account" on the wording in the far upper right side of the page.
Once registered, volunteers can view the type of opportunities available by date and time.
Click on the highlighted section and more information is made public. Volunteers can also select the date by clicking on the blue "Register" button just below the map.
Volunteers will be asked to sign a "Volunteer Agreement, Waiver of Liability, and Photo Release. To do so, click on "Read full waiver." When finished, click the "I Agree" button. On the next screen, answer the following questions and press "submit" in the lower right side of the screen.