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February 2021 Dedication ceremony

Congratulations to the Toto Mikango family, whose new Springfield home was completed in February 2021. On Feb. 24, a dedication ceremony was held and guests were invited to witness the event on Facebook Live. See below for more images from the day.

About the build.

This home is the result of a collaboration between Greater Springfield Habitat for Humanity and the City of Springfield, Massachusetts, through the city’s HOME funds. Construction began in early 2019. Since that time, more than 200 volunteers and a considerable amount of youth engagement from YWCA Youth Build, AmeriCorps NCCC teams, Community Works, and students from local colleges helped complete this project. 

The event.

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Greater Springfield Habitat for Humanity Board of Directors President Anne Eisenman offers the opening devotion.

The Toto Mikango family, Transfluenci Translator Evans Jumba, and the Rev. Juan Feliciano, lead pastor at Calvary's Love Church in Springfield watch and listen to the guest speakers. 

Greater Springfield Habitat for Humanity (GSHFH) Family Services Manager Deborah O'Mara invites the Toto Mikango family to say a few words. Off to the side stands (from left) GSHFH Board of Directors President Anne Eisenman, City of Springfield Mayor Domenic Sarno, and GSHFH Executive Director Aimee Giroux.

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New homeowner TupaTupa Toto (left) stands beside Transfluenci Translator Evans Jumba and speaks to guests in his native Swahili. Evans  speaks his words in English.

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The Rev. Juan Feliciano, lead pastor at Calvary's Love Church in Springfield, blesses the house.

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The Rev. Juan Feliciano, lead pastor at Calvary's Love Church in Springfield, reads a passage from his Bible as guests watch.

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Following the formal ceremony, Greater Springfield Habitat for Humanity Board of Directors President Anne Eisenman chats with City of Springfield Mayor Domenic Sarno.

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Greater Springfield Habitat for Humanity Executive Director Aimee Giroux is interviewed by 22 News.

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Inside, City of Springfield Mayor Domenic Sarno talks with the family as Greater Springfield Habitat for Humanity Board of Directors President Anne Eisenman looks on.

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Greater Springfield Habitat for Humanity Marketing and Communications Manager Brandice O'Brien has a heart-to-heart with the family's youngest son about cupcakes.

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Greater Springfield Habitat for Humanity Family Services Manager Deborah O'Mara shows three of the children the neat bench in one of the bedrooms.

A tour of the house.

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Front of the house

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Back of the house

Downstairs living area

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Living and dining space

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Downstairs half bathroom

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Stairway to second floor

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Upstairs hallway leading to the three bedrooms.

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Upstairs full bathroom

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Upstairs bathroom vanity

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One of the bedrooms

Videos from the event.


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